Best foods as natural remedies for male fertility

natural remedies for male fertilityMale fertility is one thing that’s taking a huge hit these days because of many factors such as stress, junk food intake, pressure to complete deadlines and much more.

Many people go up to a local pharmacy shop or so called ‘sexologists’ to get back their power of male fertility back but as the medicines suggested by these so-called solutions are very well packed with miseries in the form of various agents that could give rise to many side-effects to further make the situation worse. Continue reading

Hispo Forte is the best natural remedy to increase sexual performance

A good sexual performance depends on so many factors such as sexual arousal, good erection no stress and long stamina. If any one factor affected due to any reason, sexual performance decreases which may lead to frustration. Further development causes sexual performance anxiety and you are not able to perform any sexual activity.   Continue reading

Best foods as natural remedies for diabetes

Diabetes is one of the major issues that have been observed over the world to be a major problem creating ailment or disease clutching more and more people as this is being written and as you read this piece of information.

Yes, diabetes has become very common these days and even people who do not take much sugar based foods are having many chances or developing a diabetes disease. Continue reading

Cure on the Oil for joint & Muscular Pains is considered as the most effective remedy for joint pain

Joint pain is the most common health issue amongst all adults and seniors. There are many types of injuries and disease condition causes joint pain. This very painful condition affects quality of life. It may last for several days to several years.

Joint pain has affected large population, According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 34th report on the health status of the nation, “Joint pain and muscular pain has affected almost 30% of adults in the USA in 2009.”  There are wide ranges of medication available for joint pain and Cure on Oil for joint & Muscular Pains is one of effective remedy.

Cure on Oil for joint & Muscular Pains is combination of natural oils that cures joint and muscular pain. It gives instant relief from joint pain, backache, sprain, body ache, stiffness of joint and muscles.

Ingredients of Cure on Oil for joint & Muscular Pains:

Til oil or Sesame Oil:

Sesame oil is known to have anti-inflammatory activity and other health benefits to humans.

It consists of zinc, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron and vitamin B6. Calcium prevents from osteoarthritis, PMS, migraine, headache. Copper supports nerve to get relief from pain. It also contains the amino acid arginine, helps to relieve pain.

Pudina or Field mint:

Pudina consist of 3 types of mint in it, which soothes muscle and relaxes peripheral blood vessels. It is used to treat joint pain, arthritis, headache, toothache, gum inflammation etc.

Gandhapura oil:

Gandhapura oil is used for rheumatism, acute arthritis and joint pain.  It also reduces swelling and stiffness of joints.


Ashwagandha has many medicinal uses one of them is to treat symptoms of arthritis.


Shatavari oil is used to treat joint and muscle stiffness and body pain. It also stimulates blood circulation.

All these natural oils work together to get relief from joint pain and muscular pain. These do not have any side effects considered as safe natural remedy.

Liver care DS from Himalaya is natural remedy for Liver Care

Livercare DS is one of the most innovative products from the Himalaya research lab for better liver health. This is a combination of few medicinal herbs which acts as a liver protective, improves functioning of liver and maintains it well. It is also known as Liv-52 DS.

The natural ingredients from Himalaya Liv 52 DS possess great liver care activity can be used to treat Cirrhosis, Fatty liver, Hepatitis, and Elevated liver enzymes. Liver damage caused by external chemicals can be restored by protecting the hepatic parenchyma and promoting hepatocellular regeneration. The various health benefits are as follows.

Health Benefits of Livercare DS:

  • It naturally prevents and treats viral hepatitis
  • It provides optimum liver health.
  • It acts as an adjuvant with hepatotoxic drugs.
  • It helps to cure Alcoholic liver disease.
  • It helps to treat and prevent from Pre-cirrhotic and early cirrhosis conditions.
  • Treats radiation and Chemotherapy induced liver damage.
  • Helps to treat protein energy malnutrition.
  • It Improves digestion and assimilation process and promotes healthy weight gain

More than 198 clinical trials have been conducted on Livercare DS. One of the research paper published in in 2005 journal “Phytomedicine” concluded that Liv-52 possess hepatoprotective effect in cirrhotic patients and this can be attributed to the diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and immunomodulating properties of the component herbs.

Recent research has also proven that Livercare DS possess cholesterol-regulating action helps to maintain healthy levels of serum cholesterol, lipoproteins, phospholipid DS and triglycerides. It has special use in alcohol induced liver damage. It facilitates rapid elimination of acetaldehyde, the toxic intermediate metabolite of alcohol metabolism and ensures liver damage due to alcohol consumption.

In addition to liver health Liver care Herbal Remedies also improves appetite, digestion and assimilation processes and promotes weight gain. It contains herbs which have liver protecting property such as The Caper Bush (Himsra) and Chicory (Kasani). This comes in tablet form and not known to have any side effects.

Some good foods to opt as natural remedies for cold & flu

Cold and flu are the simplest and yet common and frequent reason for many more people to bunk office and classes at schools and colleges. Most of the people suffering from cold and flu have less resistance power to ward off these common disease types and if not treated well, could pose problems galore.

The Less resistance against cold and flu here means nothing but a weak immunity system. One mostly takes over-the-counter medicines to cure colds and flu but they may not be sure shot option in the long term as side-effects may crop up. That’s where going for some food based natural remedies for cold & flu could be taken as a perfect way to eliminate the chaos of cold & flu.

Some foods as natural remedies for cold and flu

Simply take up the below listed food based natural remedies for cold & flu and quickly show the door to cold and flu the tasty way.

  • Chicken soup – Chicken soup is called nature’s penicillin and it could be opted for various types of diseases with great curative power. Take up hot Chicken soups and quickly clear clogged or blocked airways with the nourishing broth shall give you a quick energy. Add more vegetables, onions, garlic and you have just made it more powerful
  • Hot and spicy food– Chilies, garlic horseradish and spicy sauces are meant to remove congestion due to cold & flu
  • Garlic – Garlic is a top food type to consider always for many ailments and cold & flu is yet another ailment type to be kicked away with garlic intake
  • Fluid intake – You also need to increase your fluid intake instead of coffee, carbonated or sweetened drinks and have pure fruit juices and water and even hot drinks could be taken
  • Citrus fruits – As cold and flu happen due to a lack of vitamin C, increasing citrus fruits such as oranges, lemon and grape could be a better natural remedies for cold & flu to say goodbye to cold & flu

Start taking these simple and yet economical and side-effect free Vasaka From Himalaya  and keep all blues of cold & flu away. Happy Healing!!

Himalaya Mentat: Memory tonic to improve concentration and learning ability

This is the 21st century and every individual is running in the race to prove them best and if your week memory and concentration is stopping you to grow in this competition then do not worry as Online Herbs has launched Himalaya Mentat. It is a great remedy to overcome from your memory related issues.

Himalaya Mentat is a natural remedy to boost your memory and offers great assistance in improving concentration. If you are having any issues related to your memory then this is a great natural remedy to cure your problems.

If you have found yourself in many awkward situations where you fails to remember and recognize the things then this could be the reason of your weak memory, old age (If You are above 50) or medical conditions like Thyroid issue also cause loss of memory.

Benefits of Himalaya Mentat:

  • It is an herbal formulation of rare herbs and delivers the great healing benefits. It helps in retaining memory, maintains brain health and improves concentration.
  • It acts as a calmative tonic and hence boosts memory strength.
  • It helps reducing fatigue, and works as a supportive therapy in treating epilepsy, mild to moderate retardation , speech defects and Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
  • Himalaya Mentat treats behavioral disorders such as asocial behavior, hyperkinetic states, temper tantrums, enuresis and aggressive behavior.
  • It helps person to combat from stress and anxiety related problems.
  • It treats problems related to convulsions and insomnia.
  • This natural remedy for memory treats learning disability and concentration impairment.
  • It also helps in removing the rational quotient, faculty span and attention and emphasis verge susceptibleness.

Get cure for all your alignment and live a healthy and happy life. Order Himalaya Mentat the great remedy to boost your memory. So what are you waiting for? Place your order today and help yourself to achieve your goals.

V-Gel helps women to maintain their personal health

V-Gel from Himalaya is a combination of herbs that has demulcent action helps to relieve from itching and swelling of the vagina. It nourishes dry, sensitive vaginal skin to leave it feeling soft and keep moistened for long duration.

Women who take Oral contraceptives, hormonal preparations, antibiotics or antifungal drugs, may feel intimate discomfort, imbalance of vaginal flora and vaginal aphylaxis. This may cause unpleasant symptoms and inconvenience. Sometime may cause vaginal disease. To prevent from these situations it is recommended to use therapeutic preparation such as V-Gel.

V-Gel is formula contains selective herbs has the ability to balance the vaginal flora and maintain PH level inside vagina. It gives soothing effect and relief from occasional irritation, itching, and burning sensations of the vagina. It prevents occasional vaginal dryness and keeps moistened.

V-Gel promotes body’s natural immune system, defense systems and supports the body’s natural ability to maintain balance of systemic Candida (yeast) levels. This activity is possibly due to its herbal combination. It contains herbs which possess various pharmacological actions such as.

Key Ingredients of V-Gel:

Persian Rose:

It possesses antiviral and antibacterial activity. This helps to fight against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria responsible for vaginal infections.


This has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activity which eliminates bacteria from the vagina, helps to cure inflammation and maintains vaginal flora.


It has analgesic activity which alleviates pain associated with vaginitis, cervicitis and leukorrhea.

Benefits of V-Using Gel:

  • Supports local immunity and helps to maintain vagina’s microflora,
  • It has a healing effect on the vaginal mucosa
  • It gives relief from itching, burning and dryness.
  • Intimate discomfort is minimized.
  • Suppresses the disease-causing bacteria and viruses.
  • Returns to normal sexual life.

Various clinical studies have been conducted to prove the safety and efficiency of V-Gel and results have proven that it is very safe and effective herbal formula has no any side effects.

Himalaya Septilin is the best immunity enhancer natural product

The immune system is our body first line defense system. Whenever any foreign subject attacks on human body, Immune system gives protection against it. But some time due to unknown reasons Immune system may become weak. From small kids to senior citizens everybody is prone to weak immune system problems and there is no any specific diagnostic test to detect it. To combat with this serious condition Himalaya has brought Septilin, a combination of some medicinal herbs.

Himalaya Septilin is Ayurvedic herbo-mineral formulation contains several useful medicinal herbs which possess immunomodulatory properties that aid in strengthening the immune system. Septilin also possesses anti-inflammatory property which potentiates the non-specific immune responses of the body.

Himalaya Septilin helps to increase the effectiveness of white blood cells which plays an important role against any microbe attack. It also stimulates production of white blood cells and increases immunity power.

Phagocytosis is another line of defense system our body has. Phagocytosis is a process in which elimination of bacteria through ingestion is possible. Himalaya Septilin also enhances this Phagocytosis process which helps to combat more successfully.

Himalaya Septilin is a blend of various herbs and minerals specially designed to build strong immune system. It increases production of erythropoietic and granulopoietic precursor cells stab cells and primary myelocytes which overall fight against all types of microorganism.

Key Ingredients of Himalaya Septilin:

  • Guggulu / Indian bedellium
  • Conch shell calls / Shankh bhasma
  • Maharasnadi Quath
  • Guduchi / Gulancha Tinospora
  • Manjishtha / Indian madder
  • Amalaki / Indian gooseberry
  • Shigru / Horse-radish tree
  • Yashti-Madhu / Licorice

Himalaya Septilin is advisable to take for long term to get maximum health benefits. In specific inflammatory disease condition it has special role to combat against viruses and bacteria such as

  • Upper respiratory tract infections
  • Lower respiratory tract infections
  • Allergic disorders of upper respiratory tract
  • Skin and soft tissue infections and inflammations
  • Dental and periodontal infections
  • Infective and inflammatory conditions of the eye
  • Bone and joint infections
  • Urinary tract infections

Himalaya Septilin is well known product to boost the immune system. It has no any side effects, so safe also. It is available as tablets and in syrup.

Cure indigestion related problems with the help of sunthi ginger from Himalaya


Indigestions problems are related to unidentified problems such as ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease or gallbladder disease than that of the exact term of indigestion.

In Indigestions burning in the stomach and abdominal pain occur to an individual. Sometime patient may also suffer through nausea and vomiting. To deal with the symptoms of indigestion sunthi ginger from Himalaya is the best natural remedy for indigestion.

One can avail this herbal medicine from Online Herbs, the one stop destination for healing the pain naturally. Sunthi ginger acts as a stimulant and carminative to the gastrointestinal tract. Sunthi is commonly called as ginger and is a daily herb used as a flavoring agent.

Benefits of Sunthi ginger:

  • It comforts the patient with nausea, vomiting and Motion sickness.
  • Herbal experts also suggest this remedy for treating arthritis as this herbal formulation is created with the help of lots of natural, rare herbs and possesses anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It works as a natural remedy for colic pain and flatulence.
  • It also helps in reducing the clotting in blood and thus also avoids heart related issues.
  • It contains anti-oxidant and slows the process of aging.
  • Ginger is known as a digestive agent and thus soothes the digestive system.

Avail this natural remedy for indigestion i.e. sunthi ginger and treat indigestion related problems effectively. Avail this beneficial herbal formulation online from Online Herbs, as they offer a free shipping facility for their loving customers.

Take the benefits of sunthi ginger, the natural remedy for indigestion and cure all your problems related to indigestion. Also suggest this herbal remedy to your friends as well and also let them know the benefits of Online Herbs in delivering the product at home.